Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay Challenges Affecting International Students in...

Challenges affecting international students in Australia 1.0 Challenges facing international students in Australia 1.1 Introduction The need for higher education has prompted many students to seek further studies in international colleges outside their countries and Australia has become an academic hub for international students who mostly come from developing nations in Asia and Africa. The students, once they secure a place in this schools, they are subjected to a new environment which comes with different challenges. International students in Australia have become an integral part of the society both social and economical. However the students face a myriad of challenges before fully adopting to the new learning culture. In†¦show more content†¦1.2.2 Discrimination and Cultural Conflict: Another big social challenge affecting these students is the discrimination and inter-cultural issues. Apparently inter-cultural differences are inevitable when cultures collide however the cultural variances should be harmonized rather than polarized. Western culture the pre-dominant culture in Australia is usually perceived negatively by the international students and creates a hostile environment for the students. Discrimination has been a teething problem for international students and this has greatly affected the academic morale for the students when racist undertones and practices are perpetrated against the students. Right wing demonstrations against the influx of immigrants and students have poisoned the learning environment and also greatly tarnishing the academic image of Australia to prospective international students. For instance, the cross- border scholars do not have citizenship rights, an issue which not only affects the day-to-day living of a student, but also this or her academic programs. This impact usually depicts itself in the acquisition of internship programs where most recruiters do not consider the non-citizens in Australia, yet this is an important aspect of college and university education. According to research conducted by Marginson et al. (n.d), 19% of students did not feel safe inShow MoreRelatedAustralia s Relationship With Indonesia1712 Words   |  7 Pagescountries, whether economically, politically, legally or socially. Australian-Indonesian relations involve an interaction in foreign policies between the two nations (Wolfsohn, 1951, p. 68). As long as Indonesia is Australia s closest and largest neighbor, they are bound to have great international relations. These relations began as early as the 17th century and had only become enhanced with time (Daly, 2003, p. 397). The relationship has been defined by a conjoint growth trade of up to $14 between theRead MoreThe Australian Youth Climate Coalition1232 Words   |  5 PagesYouth Climate Coalition (AYCC) is a youth organization in Australia. The organization aims to build a generation-wide movement to solve the climate crisis, through uniting diverse youth organizations around this common challenge. The AYCC are trying to Raising awareness on climate change and one of the strategy that they are trying to use is â€Å"think globally, act locally†. This means they are trying to raise community awareness and help student lend actions to see what we can do in our community. Read MoreGovernment Intervention On Kazakhstan Oil Industry Essay1535 Words   |  7 PagesStudent Name : Tinglin Zhang Subject : AFFIN102A Principle of economics and economic theory in practice Assignment : Essay Topic : Government intervention in Kazakhstan Oil Industry The world concerned problem today is the energy problem. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Holocaust The Final Solution to the Jewish Problem...

The Holocaust is defined as destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. Following 1945, the word has taken on a new meaning referring to the mass slaughtering of millions of European Jews as well as other persecuted groups (gypsies and homosexuals), by the German Nazi regime during the Second World War. In Europe the Jews experienced anti-Semitism (hostility or prejudice against Jews) which dated back to the ancient world, to the time when the Jewish temples were destroyed and they were forced to leave Palestine by Roman authorities. This wide-spread hatred of the Jews augmented the virulent mindset behind the Holocaust. On the night of January 30, 1933, an event occurred that spearheaded the†¦show more content†¦The vast Nazi rallies including symbolic acts such as the public burning of books written by Jews, Communists, liberals, and foreigners helped vocalize the party’s strength. By 1933, the Jewish population in Germany was around 525,000 people which was only one percent of the total German population. During the years to follow, Nazis established an â€Å"Aryanization† of Germany. Non- Aryans (non- Germans) were dismissed from civil service, Jewish- owned businesses were liquidated, and Jewish layers and doctors were stripped of their clients. Later in 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were enacted by the Nazi government. The Nuremberg Laws were composed of two new racial laws, the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law to Protect German Blood and Honor. The Nuremberg Laws restricted Jews, it declared that anyone who had three or four Jewish grandparents would be deemed as a Jew, and anyone with two Jewish grandparents would be deemed a Mischlinge (half-breed). The Nuremberg Laws led to Jews becoming targets of wide-spread discrimination and persecution. These laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship and outlawed marriage and sexual intercourse between Jews and non-Jews. They also prohibited Jews fro m obtaining certain jobs (such as jobs in the government, medical field, and in law). They prohibited Jews from certain entertainment and recreational activities (such as parks, beaches, theaters, sporting events). Under the Nuremberg Laws Jews were also prohibitedShow MoreRelatedEssay about Evidence for the Holocaust844 Words   |  4 PagesEvidence for the Holocaust The reason for the development of the final solution is under much historical debate. There is the structuralists who believe it was a result of wartime problems, that it was a improvised response to the problems. However there is the intentionalists who believe Hitler planned the holocaust due to his pathological hatred of the Jews. Now in this essay I am going to present the evidence for both schools of thought. There is substantialRead MoreHitler s Ideology And The Nazi Bureaucracy1674 Words   |  7 Pageshistorical debate between two schools of thought on the horrific actions carried out by the Third Reich that resulted in the extermination of millions of Jewish people across Europe. The Intentionalists stress the consistency, sequence and persistence of the Nazi s anti-Jewish policies as a clear indication that the genocide we call the Holocaust was a top-down affair implemented in accord with Adolf Hitler s absolute will. Functionalists however argue that the genocide resulted from a numberRead MoreThe Final Solution For World War II1668 Words   |  7 PagesHundreds of thousands of Jews had already been murdered during World War II when The Final Solution made its appearance. When Hitler and his party, the Nazis, were elected in 1932, (The History Place) Hitler’s ambitions seemed far-fetched. In 1941, two years after World War II had begun; Adolf Hitler’s plan to erase the Jewish population was already underway and fully operating right under everyone’s nose. In Germany, Austria, Poland, and Belgium, thousands of people were being killed monthly, butRead MoreHow The Holocaust Was A Long Term Plan1461 Words   |  6 PagesAssess the View That the Holocaust Was Mainly the Result of a Long Term Plan by Hitler to Eliminate the Jews Of the four historians, it is Kershaw, Goldhagen, and Peukert who propose the idea that the holocaust was a long-term plan and Berghahn who argues that it was a reaction to the circumstances brought about by expansion during world war two. All of the historians agree to a certain degree that the extermination of the Jewish people from Germany was a long term idea of Hitler’s, but it is atRead MoreThe Effects Of Jews On Jewish Population During The Nazi Regime1119 Words   |  5 Pagesconcerns the Final Solution of the Nazis concerning the Jews. On January 20th 1942, 15 leading officials of the Nazi state met at a villa in Wannsee, a suburb of Berlin, to discuss the â€Å"Final solution of the Jewish Question† (â€Å"The Final Solution,† 2015). They used the term â€Å"Final Solution† to refer to their plan to annihilate the Jewish people. It is not known when the leaders of Nazi Germany definitively decided to implement their plan to eradicate the Jewsâ⠂¬  (â€Å"United States Holocaust Memorial MuseumRead MoreEssay on Causes Effects of the Holocaust1422 Words   |  6 PagesCauses Effects of the Holocaust There are times in history when desperate people plagued by desperate situations blindly give evil men power. These men, once given power, have only their own evil agendas to carry out. The Holocaust was the result of one such mans agenda. In short simplicity, shear terror, brutality, inhumanity, injustice, irresponsibility, immorality, stupidity, hatred, and pure evil are but a few words to describe the Holocaust. A holocaust is defined as a disaster thatRead MoreThe Nazi Party1100 Words   |  5 Pagesa meeting was held with fifteen men who were either part of the Nazi party or other powerful government leaders. The meeting took place in a wealthy area in Berlin on a lake that was named Wannsee. The â€Å"final solution to the jewish question† was the focus of the meeting. The term â€Å"final solution† was the phrase used by the Nazi’s for their plan for the extermination of all European Jews. This meeting was the first time that the government leaders not involved with the Nazi party were introduced toRead MoreHy3 Personal Sources Pack1122 Words   |  5 PagesCynffig Comprehensive School 68538 HY3 Assessment ‘Personal sources pack’ Assignment title ‘The Holocaust was the result of Hitler’s long-held grand design to pursue a programme of annihilation against the Jews.’ Pack Created by: Ryan Buckle Attributions in normal text and sources are in boxes with italic writing. History HY3 sources Intentionalist Document 9 Speech delivered by Hitler in Salzburg, 7 or 8 August 1920. (NSDAP meeting) Source: D Irving, The War Path: HitlerRead MoreThe Holocaust : Its Causes And How It Was Carried Out1497 Words   |  6 PagesDestiny Corbitt Shawn Underell The Holocaust 21 February 2016 The Holocaust The holocaust is one of the memorable events in history and it is important to know some of its causes and how it was carried out. The Holocaust is a controlled torture that killed roughly six million Jews by the Nazi government, led by Adolf Hitler. Apart from the Jews, other groups considered inferior or anti-establishment such as Poles, Romans and gypsies were also killed. There were several reasons for these grisly murdersRead More The Origins of the Holocaust Essay1547 Words   |  7 PagesThe question of the origins of the Holocaust has been studied by scholars using several differing approaches. These interpretations are outlined by Donald Niewyk in The Holocaust as the long history of European anti-Semitism, the charismatic personality of Adolf Hitler and the influence of modern â€Å"scientific† racism or eugenics. These interpretations are illustrated in the works of John Weiss, Ian Kershaw, and Henry Friedlander. Niewyk uses Weiss to identify the interpretation of ancient anti-Semitism

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Pink Cow Free Essays

On the beautiful sunny beach day of March 12, 2008, I visited the Florida Gulf Coast University’s art complex. The first thing I noticed upon entering the art complex was a pink cow. This pink cow consumed my total attention. We will write a custom essay sample on The Pink Cow or any similar topic only for you Order Now I hardly noticed anything else. I was so fascinated and taken away by this pink cow that, as I studied this extraordinary painting, it became clear serious precise art techniques were carefully used to design this creation taking attention off everything else in the gallery. It’s a Pink Cow painted by expert artist, Andy Warhol, uses professional levels of sophisticated art coloring and design elements communicating fun, happy environments to the subconscious minds of youthful crowds occupying the buildings wherever his art work hangs. The only reason art sells is because it inspires emotions, controlling mind manipulation atmospheres from fun to conservative. It’s a Pink Cow painting’s strongest identity is color and subject content. This wall paper image created by famous pop artist Andy Warhol made excellent use of shocking contrasting coloring and design in It’s a Pink Cow. It’s a Pink Cow’s shocking hot pink everyday farm animal peaking through a barn door with a light green background which is lit up by the bright yellow sun invokes feelings of pleasure, comical, social interactions. Color invokes moods. â€Å"We learn from color specialists that rooms painted in different colors tend to cause different reactions. Certain blues are cool, certain greens are relaxing, certain reds are warm and comforting. â€Å"(Blair 43) Observing It’s a Pink Cow, and applying our knowledge about art techniques, it is clearly obvious the artist shows creative potential of colors capacity. Normally green is known as evoking feelings of calmness, quietness, seriousness. However, it is totally unlikely this painting containing a sensible green filling in the background to be observed in a church, senior citizens ballroom or a political business meeting room. In some of these different paintings, the background is yellow. In this particular artwork shown in the museum, the background overlooking the picture is grass green. Reflections of bright yellow sunlight shinning on the green grass gives the neutral nondistracting color pizzazz. Adding sunlight to the earth toned green shades is equivalent to adding Hip-Hop music to church choir music. When artists are working at designing original pieces in a highly competitive market full of talented people, it is not enough to design something that it’s only contribution is being pretty. That is why creative arts are popular for breaking traditions. Warhol’s theme in this painting was showing the unique possibilities by applying extraordinary colors to ordinary objects. In this painting, it is not only a pink cow looking at everyone looking at the painting. By coloring a traditionally black or brown object, such as a cow in any bright shade, it is now the bright tint looking at the viewer. A person looking at the painting mood’s are altered on a level they do not realize. A hot fluorescent pink cow’s head looking out the barn holds the person attention, making them look twice at his artwork. The innocent visitor to the art museum first wonders about themselves upon looking at the pink cow. For reassurance, they stand silently to see if their friend accompanying them says anything first. Their friend is doing the same thing. Then the worker at the art gallery passes by, comments on the pink cow and the art museum visitor is now relaxed. The artist’s main objective is to influence or alter people’s moods, and that is what this painting did. Artists selectively chooses the use coloring, lines, forms, shapes etc†¦innovatively to target their selected audience. A green grass providing the background for trees in a landscape would not have the same effect. Andy wanted to sell to the younger generations. Here he is using vivid colors to capture the fun minded light hearted generation. The subject content works in conjunction with coloring creating a surprising and unexpected product making an artists statement that can only be accurately interpreted by the artist. The colors and the subject matter conflict greatly. Bright vivid colors and a pink cow is a symbology of fun. Of all the animals to choose from, why did he choose a cow? A cow is not really a symbology of fun. Looking at paintings such as these peaks curiosity, it draws attention inviting the viewer to investigate more into the artwork. It is necessary to have an idea of history, including the artists personality and style is necessary to make sense of the painting. It’s a Pink Cow appears like it may be a totally improvised, but the sources say differently. â€Å"Once he’s chosen something from the chaos of everyday reality to preserve in his art — particularly in his paintings and sculpture — Warhol works extremely hard â€Å"at getting the image absolutely right,† says Leo Castelli. â€Å"He doesn’t simply arrive at an image easily and then repeat it senselessly — as many think. That cow wallpaper took him over a year to define. â€Å"(Pratt 53) The only reason art sells is because it inspires emotions, controlling mind manipulation atmospheres from fun to conservative. It’s a Pink Cow was created to provoke laughter, or comical atmospheres. Of all the paintings in the art gallery, this painting stood out. Hanging this painting in the room of a child or young person’s apartment is great for developing and stimulating imaginations. This is especially true if someone was to elaborate on it this art piece, and make the cow sing, dance or tell jokes. How to cite The Pink Cow, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Professional Development Of The Teachers †

Question: Discuss about the Professional Development Of The Teachers. Answer: Introduction The report discusses the approaches to professional development of the teachers with the help of Numan principles approach. It further describes the implementation of the principles in the professional development of the teachers. The relevance of the principles is also supported with some examples. In the next part of the report details about the school goals and student needs and its meaning are mentioned. The relevance of the school goals and students needs and there relation with the professional development of the teachers are also explained with the help of some examples followed by conclusion. Nunan principles for professional development of teachers These principles are related with the professional development of the teachers on the basis of several aspects, so that to improve professionalism and quality of education dissemination towards the learners. Principle 1: This is a very important concept which indicates that the learning approach and methods of learning in the childrens and the adults are different so it is required that the teachers are required to realize that the responsibility they are having in their minds so that they provide better learning to the students (Alsagoff, et al., 2012). It is often seen that the teachers having realization about the responsibilities are having better learning methods and explanations for the students so that students learn in better way. It is also suggested that they are having more professional behavior rather than others. Principle 2: It focuses towards learning through experiences and continuous practice. There are lots to learn from failure of someone, so it is needed to use the experiences present with the teachers to improve teaching methods and knowledge. Principle 3: It is required to plan the work so that it is being implemented in a better way so that more improved ways to be suggested by teachers from their experiences over long period of time to improve learning materials and approach to study. Principle 4: In this part of the principle it is focused to develop steps so that learning is portioned in such a manner that the knowledge of the professionals is clearly shown in the learning materials and programmes. Principle 5: This principle focuses on the realization to the teachers about the knowledge they are having and its evaluation so that they feel encouraged improving the lacking areas or those having lack of awareness towards their knowledge will motivate towards analysis of the knowledge. Principle 6: At last is required that the teachers implement the learnings in to practice from the rest of the principles to form a leaning model. It is also important to practice these practices in daily routine to improve professional character and learning workshops. Application of the principles There is difference in the learnings of the childrens and the adults so it is required that the learning style that is to be used for the high level learners should be different. So it is important that the teachers also evolve practices as per the changing needs of the learning, it is not a good way to learn as the child learns in the classroom teaching. There is need to have more practical and application based learning so that the learners have development of the analytical skills and needs to plan work. It can be implemented with very first step that is self direction it is needed that the teachers are aware about the responsibilities (McCulloch and Noonan, 2013). They should use the experience they have to develop a learning material which consists of theoretical as well as practical implication so that to enhance learning. It is also needed to provide timemanagement and relevance of the study so that it can be developed in more proper way. Teachers must practice these skills pe rsonally to achieve perfection (Watts, 2015). It is also important that teachers are motivated and aware about the importance of the learning in their professional and personal life towards high learning. They are also need to move towards technology learning so that they can collaborate with the scholars to develop better education materials. Relevance of principles It is mandatorily required to verify the usefulness of the professional developed projects, so it is verified with the help of the combined training programs for the teachers. It will help to encourage the teachers to develop themselves as their colleagues. Suppose there are three teachers in a university teaching marketing, first one is focusing on theory based learning, second is only focused on practical learning focused on survey, questionnaire and study of products and third is focused on both methods for study (Calderhead, 2012). So the learnings from all three will be different for the students but in case they meet together and exchange some ideas and knowledge than it will be far better to develop a learning material which will having theoretical knowledge to understand the concepts practical surveys and testing. It will motivate the others towards learning this skill. So creating competition among the teachers will help to develop more professional development (McCulloch an d Noonan, 2013). It is important to access the capabilities this can be done with the help of survey having different questions relating to the personal experiences and learnings during teaching the scholars, this will help them to know the lacking areas and strengths which they can utilize to develop the learning materials for the students for professional development of themselves. School goals and assessment of students need School goals are established for the enhanced learning of the students it includes the thoughts and values that are to be inculcated in the students studying in an institution. It focuses on the overall development of the scholars such as learnings about various fields, sports and cultural activities. It also focused on the development of the students with the help of evaluation on the various criterias and competitions so that they will develop in the mental and physical aspects (Parkay, et al., 2014). It also helps to inculcate maturity and experiences for the students helping them in the decision making in future. It is also important to access the students needs as per the current changing environment. Accessing the needs of the students helps to plan and develop the learning materials in such a manner so that it covers all the aspects of study which improves the students knowledge (Brookhart, 2011). So school goals are important for the development of the students but it can be improved to meet the goals with the help of accessing the students needs. Relation of school goals and students needs in professional development of teachers Professionals development of the teachers is next step in the learning of the teachers; learning is a lifelong process which is needed to be continuing for the development of a person. It is necessary to develop professionals character in the teachers as it will result to ascertain the current scenario in the industry. This is also a continuous process which also helps the teachers to generate a view towards the whole studies of the students rather than the narrow approach of just teaching in the class room and learn some concepts Mizell,(2010). Professional development leads to develop school goals and to know about the material to be included in the learning materials followed by the practical projects related to the students learning so that it will helpful in the overall development of the scholars. The primary goal of the schools is to provide good education to all the students taken admission in the institution. Development of professional learning will help to build confidence among the teacher to plan studies at the class room so that all the students are covered in the teaching. It may be activity based teaching or allotting projects in groups so that to improve education standards. It is also seen that quality of teaching is very important for the learning of the scholars professional development will help in improving the teaching quality and teaching methods used for transformation (Reading First, 2005). It is required to plan for training of the teachers at the beginning of the session so that they plan for the whole year activities to be organized for the student learning. It is also required to aware students about the scope of the study so that they take more interest in the learning. It also helps to transform the knowledge of the teacher in to the limited time whic h is very important for every professional so that the audience will interact and understand the concept. School goals and students needs are the criteria for the professional development of the teachers, based on the goals teacher have to plan the activity and learning calendar achieve the students need. Likewise it is also possible that schools provide professional training so that teachers analyze and evaluate internally to change in the learning methods or course material to improve it (Zepeda, 2012). Testing and evaluation of the students on the basis of pen and paper method is also overcome with the help of teacher development. Professional development helps to improve the personality of the teachers so that the approach towards the various activities is changed (Reece and Walker, 2016). It also result to a planned schedule of work, propertime management and including more learning methods in the lectures it also improves the internal awareness of the teachers to improve them as better education provider to brighten the way of the students. Relevance of examples Professional development helps the teachers to boost confidence and systematic planning for the activities. In the absence of this most of the teachers fails to plan and even there is absence of planning which result to failure of school goals (Baran and Correia, 2014). Suppose there is no training is provided to the teachers in a school then there will be problems in completing the course either the study material will be completed in just few months or it may delay within the time. Whereas professional development will aware the teacher towards planning in this case teacher will plan according to the available no of working days in the education calendar and sub-divide the whole syllabus to be covered according to this period. Professional development also helps to plan for new activities to enhance learning and revision of the studies. Conclusion It is concluded that professional development with the help of the Numans principles will definitely help the teachers to develop as better professionals. External evaluation is easy process which is given by the colleagues and friends but professional development will help to analyze internally results to bring change in the personality and teaching as a revolutionary change. The awareness about the actions to perform helps to implement them in better way with confidence. Professional development is needed to balance the school goals and students needs in the education sector which is also explained with some concepts and example to enlighten need of professional development of teachers. References: Alsagoff, L., McKay, S. L., Hu, G., and Renandya, W. A. (2012)Principles and practices for teaching English as an international language. UK: Routledge. Baran, E., and Correia, A. P. (2014) A professional development framework for online teaching,TechTrends,58(5), pp. 95-101. Brookhart, S. M. (2011) Educational assessment knowledge and skills for teachers,Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice,30(1), pp. 3-12. Calderhead, J. (2012) The contribution of research on teachers' thinking to the professional development of teachers,Research on teacher thinking: understanding professional development. London, pp. 11-18. McCulloch, E. B., and Noonan, M. J. (2013) Impact of online training videos on the implementation of mand training by three elementary school paraprofessionals,Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, pp. 132-141. Mizell, H. (2010) Why PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Matters. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2017). Pappas, C. (2013) The Adult Learning Theory - Andragogy - of Malcolm Knowles. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2017). Parkay, F. W., Anctil, E. J., and Hass, G. (2014)Curriculum leadership: Readings for developing quality educational programs. USA: Prentice Hall. Reading First (2005) Why Is Professional Development So Important? [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2017). Reece, I., and Walker, S. (2016)Teaching, training and learning: A practical guide. UK: Business Education Publishers Ltd. Watts, S. W. (2015)Andragogy and online course satisfaction: A correlation study, Northcentral University pp. 1-35. Zepeda, S. J. (2012)Professional development: What works. USA: Eye on education.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Creationism Vs. Evolution Essays - Creationism, Pseudoscience

Creationism vs. Evolution In my short life on this planet I have come to question things that many take upon blind faith. We all know that we must some day die; yet we continuously deny the forces at work inside ourselves, which want to search out the answers of what may or may not come after. It is far easier for humanity to accept that they will go to a safe haven and be rewarded for their lives with pleasures and fantasies of an unfathomable scale than to question the existence of a supposed omnipotent being. Yet, there are a few of us humans who tend to question the why's and wherefore's that society puts forth to us. We question the existence of God, or the creation of mankind rather than blindly accepting faith-filled beliefs we may received from our parents as children. Perhaps it is because we live in a nation filled with many peoples of different beliefs whose Gods are all so varied and different that it is difficult to fathom that they are all the same divine being. It is also plausible that we just have a desire to quench the thirst for knowledge that lies deep within ourselves. As for myself, I cannot believe in a being which created a universe and a multitude of worlds in a rather short period of time then deigns to lower itself into becoming a puppet-master and "pulling the strings" of the Earth and all of the people therein. Since this paper touches upon many scientific terms, I feel that in order for the reader to correctly grasp the content I must first define three words: Theory, Law, and Hypothesis. The definitions will allow for a greater underezding of this essay and give us an even ground upon which to begin. --- Theory; noun 1. a. Systematically organized knowledge applicable in a relatively wide variety of circumezces, especially a system of assumptions, accepted principles, and rules of procedure devised to analyze, predict, or otherwise explain the nature or behavior of a specified set of phenomena. b. Such knowledge or such a system. 2. An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture. Law; noun 1. a. A formulation describing a relationship observed to be invariable between or among phenomena for all cases in which the specified conditions are met: the law of gravity. b. A generalization based on consistent experience or results: the law of supply and demand; the law of averages. Hypothesis; noun 1. A tentative explanation that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation; a theory. 2. Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption. --- It is important that you thoroughly read the above definitions or you will be at a disadvantage if you do not. You will note that there are several different definitions to each word. I felt it was important to include the added definitive statement to theory because it shows the difference between a scientific theory and an "everyday" theory based upon conjecture. The additional definitions to law and hypothesis are both added for a further underezding of these words. The definition of creationism is somewhat more complex. One must start by saying that the belief in the creation of the universe given at the beginning of the Bible is literally true. Creationism is a belief based solely upon faith (which is a belief in and of itself). There are no scientific facts as a basis for this belief, solely conjectural theories and speculations. It is ingrained into our minds, as children that a belief of a force, or supernatural entity, which is all powerful and all knowing, is watching over us and taking care of our needs. Yet, to me, saying this very sort of thing is heretical in its very essence. To be so crude as to think that some being which created the universe itself and all things in it would take the time to care for each and every individual is incomprehensible. In practically all ancient cultures, the biblical included, the universe was thought of as an original chaos into which order had been introduced by a creative hand: This was the essence of creation.1 In this statement alone we

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How To Plan Your Product Roadmap Like CoSchedule (+ Free Template) - CoSchedule Blog

How To Plan Your Product Roadmap Like (+ Free Template) Blog We just completed our second ever product roadmap summit  here at .  This is where a group of us spends a full day locked in a conference room fighting relentlessly for the features that you need and deserve in your favorite editorial calendar. During this process, we review recent (and some older)  feature requests, balance maintenance needs, and read through our ever-growing wish-list of features for . The goal? Decide what were going to build over the next six months. It’s sort of like decide who we want to be when we grow up twice a  year. For us, it follows a simple 6-6-6 framework. This covers planning in three timeframes after  the day of the summit: 6 weeks, 6 months, and 6 years. We hold product roadmap summits twice per year and use them to think about our future (6 years), our next two quarters (6 months), and some of our immediate goals (6 weeks). How To Plan Your #ProductRoadmap Like (+ Free Template)So, why do we do this? If there is only one truth in business, it’s that there is never a shortage of ideas. Plus, our customers are awesome and send us a ton of ideas that we usually love and want to build immediately. But, alas, there are only 25 of us. We just can’t do it all. With so many inputs, its important that we balance the things that we  could do, to actually realize the things that we can do. And so, we have a product roadmap summit and  pick a handful of things that will bring the most results. We all need a system for prioritizing our work. This is how we do it at . Its important to balance what you could do, to realize what you can do.Get Your Free Product Roadmap Template To Plan Now This blog post walks you through the exercises that work for choosing the ultimate best features for you to plan into your project development roadmap. Get your free kit now to plan your roadmap as you read this post. Your kit includes: Product roadmap summit Word doc template to help you run an efficient planning session with your team. Product roadmap template Excel spreadsheet to help you prioritize the projects you choose to tackle in the next six weeks to  six months. Step #1: Establish Your BHAG (6-Year Goal) BHAG stands for big, hairy, audacious goal. It’s  an idea from the book, Built to Last  by James Collins and Jerry Porras. According to Collins and Porras, a BHAG is a long-term goal that changes the very nature of a business' existence. At the beginning of every product roadmap summit, we start with this goal. We review the BHAG from the previous summit and do a few brainstorming exercises. We allow for general team discussion about the goal. Does this still reflect where we want to go? We brainstorm some of the big things that we will need to accomplish in order to reach our BHAG. We list the threats that will prevent us from ever reaching our BHAG. The entire goal here is to set the stage for our roadmap planning by considering where we want to go and working backward. It’s a favorite strategy of mine. Deciding WHAT NOT to do is way easier than deciding WHAT to do. Say no, then work backwards from there. #startup Garrett Moon (@garrett_moon) June 24, 2016 The hope is that by bringing this goal to mind, we will continuously refer back to our BHAG as we do our planning. You should always  be using your BHAG to evaluate the things you're doing in the present. Are you doing what you need to do to get there? Step #2: Put It All On The Table The next, and most exciting, portion of our product roadmap summit includes the airing of many grievances, err†¦ feature requests! The goal here is to get everything on a Post-It note on the wall so you can see it together. We like to have one person from each of our core teams (product, marketing, and success) share a list of feature requests, customer comments, growth opportunities, and smart things that we could build. Let every idea be a good idea as you brainstorm.Here’s how it works: Lance from our customer success team shares the list of feature requests from our customers. This list is pre-sorted by the entire customer success team and should show us the key areas where our customer would like to see us improve. Next, we have Justin, our CTO, share a list of platform and maintenance projects that need to be completed in order to maintain the quality of service that our customers demand and deserve. This list usually includes foreign sounding things like database maintenance, spindle logs, and very excited engineers. We don’t always understand it, but we do love it. The third thing we cover is sales and marketing needs. These are usually covered by myself and usually include improvements that we want to make to our billing system, onboarding/first-run experience, or other areas that are related directly to our core business metrics like trial to paid conversions, user churn, and product growth. The fourth thing we like to cover is our feature backlog. This backlog is lengthy and includes a mixture of features that we want to see and ideas from one of our previous summits that had to go on the back burner. During this phase, it's important that you don’t get carried away categorizing and prioritizing things. There will be time for that later. Just get it out there, let every idea be a good one, and move forward. Step #3: Team Lunch Next, lunch. There are usually only two rules for team lunch. Leave the meeting room behind. We think it's important to get out of the building to  clear our heads for a bit. You don’t have to talk about business. It doesn’t mean you can’t, but we like to allow the conversation to take us wherever it goes. It’s a good way to break up a busy day. Step #4: Prioritize This is the hardest part of the process. This is when we take all of the ideas on the table, evaluate them against the BHAG, and prioritize them based on what we would like to accomplish in the next six  months. We use several methods for breaking things down. We break things down into roadmaps. Rather than trying to prioritize apples against oranges, we like to break things into a few different groups. For us, this means that we build three distinct roadmaps for our team: Features, Success, and Platform. Each of these roadmaps has their own goals. We are only trying to figure out what to build next in each of these categories. We prioritize ideas based on potential customer value.  We like to place each feature idea on a simple X/Y table that looks like this: In this example, the Y axis represents the amount of value we believe that a feature or idea can bring our users. The X axis represents the total number of users, or percentage of users, who will be able to take advantage of the mentioned improvement. Plotting this out is usually the most taxing part of our entire day. For every single Post-It note, we debate and decide where the idea falls in the spectrum. We try not to overthink it, but it can still take awhile. Plot ideas on an X/Y table to choose features with the best value for the  most users.The efforts always result in a ton of useful dialogue and debate across our team. This process  also weeds out any â€Å"pet features† that someone on our team may have. The more we concentrate on user value, the less likely we are to make a call based on personal bias. When we are done, it will look something like this. In this case, one thing is for sure, the customer is always right! Step #5: Assemble The Product Roadmap Once everything is plotted out, we draw a (figurative) line across the X/Y axis. Anything that falls below or to the left of the line probably won’t get done. One thing that I want to emphasize is that this doesn’t mean those items aren’t important, or that they will never get built. It simply means that they aren’t important in relation to the other items on the list. We always re-review the cut ideas at the next product roadmap summit. At this point, we begin dividing things in to 6-week and 6-month groups. What things do we want to get done right now (six weeks), and what things needs to get done soon, but not right away (six  months)? There is plenty of additional discussion at this point, but by and large, most of the team will be on the same page because of the previous exercise that ranked features by user value. While I am not going to go too far into it here, we also use a point system to define how large a feature is, or more importantly, how much time and resources it will require to develop. For us, this is a simple 1, 2, 3 point system. You could adapt them for your team as needed. And that’s how we plan features at ! When it’s all said and done, we have a product roadmap, a happy team, and customers who are getting the features that will help them the most! Before I wrap things up, I want a cover a few additional things just in case you decide to try and hold your own roadmap summit. Lessons Learned From Successful Product Roadmap Summits Quick Tip #1: Our Roadmap Summit Has Some Rules We use a few basic rules to ensure that we stay focused and on topic. You can add/remove as necessary, but here are the rules we use: We are brainstorming projects of the purpose of the product team, no other team projects can/should be added. All ideas are necessary for good brainstorming. Avoid shooting things down. Keep laptops closed and phones down. No email, HipChat/Slack, or Snapchat allowed! Someone should be designated to write things down. Don’t get too deep into features. We’re not building them here. Quick Tip #2: Everyone Has Veto Power During roadmap planning, we give everyone veto power. If they are absolutely convinced that a feature should not be completed, or want to call shenanigans on the group, they can. While Justin and I tend to use this rule more than others (oops!), it applies to everyone on the team equally. Quick Tip #3: Bring Snacks We like to leave a few piles of red starbursts on the tables for added sugar, but we also provide fruit, snacks, and refreshing drinks to keep everyone going. Quick Tip #4: Leave Time To Retro The last two things that we do after any roadmap summit are related to review and reflection. First, we spend at least 10 minutes reviewing our newly formed product roadmap against our BHAG and our earlier discussions. This is designed to ensure that we will actually be executing against the goals that we outlined. Is everything on our roadmap necessary in order to reach our BHAG? Is it in alignment with where we want to go? If it isn’t, now is the right time to reflect and adjust our plan. The second thing we do is an immediate retrospective on the meeting itself. The goal here is to identify potential improvements that we can implement to make to the process better during the next summit. We like to cover three questions: What went well? What didn’t go so well? What can we do to ensure things go (even) better next time? Best of luck to you and your team at your own product roadmap summit! If you give it a try, please let us know how it goes in the comments.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global Teams Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global Teams Case - Essay Example In this regard, correspondence between various parties and the customers could not work out. The crashing of the server for two hours also caused the customer outrage (Neeley and Delong, 2009). Additionally, the Sun global working schedule protocol had a problem. For instance, the weekday and weekend call protocols were not clear to every team member. Open work environment served to provide every member of a Sun Microsystems Inc team with an opportunity to innovate, create and make technological discoveries to boost the performance of the esteemed information technology company. It  enabled the various teams on a global scale to be innovative and manage any problem related to the company’s products and services instead of relying on few personnel. Diversity served to meet unique customer demands. Additionally, diversity served to resolve the language barrier problem because the sales team from every region could perfectly meet the needs of customers hailing from such places. Neeley and Delong (2009) assert that diversity also served to give Sun Microsystems a global image. This aspect also enhanced the creation of new marketing niches for the company hence increase of revenue. Greg James should resolve the protocol problem and ensure synergy among his team members in the long-run. Synergy will eliminate friction in correspondence between the customer and Sun Microsystems company sales team. The company should also ensure that clients are informed of any emergency in good time to avoid

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Matrix Organization Structure in Jebal Ali Harbor Case Study

Matrix Organization Structure in Jebal Ali Harbor - Case Study Example The whole project was very complex, owing to the nature of the land terrain on which the project was undertaken, coupled with the immense risks involved, such as the risk of gulf fall. The Jebal Ali Harbor project was characterized by lack of bureaucracy, where the major decisions that were made impromptu, did not require bureaucratic procedures to be approved but were immediately rendered to tests and assessments, after which they were easily approved if they proved economical and feasible. Communication among the project team members was also smooth, despite the fact that the project comprised of diverse experts and contractors with different experiences and specializations. This enhanced the team coordination and promoted the project success. â€Å"Matrix organization structure† refers to a structure of an organization that has operations running from different locations, but the structure of the management team is arranged such that the top management is only located in the organization’s major office or headquarters, while the low-level managers are based on different site locations, where the organization has some businesses running, and the chain of command flows from the different locations. Pauling plc. is a good example of a contractor operating a â€Å"matrix organization structure†, with the top management of the company; the managing director based in London, the general manager based in Dubai, and the manager of the project based at the site location; Jebel Ali, where the construction process is ongoing. In the Pauling’s case, the chain of command is such that, the Managing Director based in London makes crucial decisions regarding the project, while the general manager implements th e decisions through delegating the same to the manager of the project on site. Nevertheless, both the project manager and the general manager make relevant decisions, based on the project situations, while consulting the same with the managing director.  Ã‚  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Policy analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Policy analysis - Assignment Example The second CPI-W is used to measure the wages for clerks and urban workers. These CPI do not account for substitution leading to the eventual overstatement of inflation (Cagan & Moore, 1981). Consumers change their spending pattern in response to relative price changes over time. This may be due to substitution of one commodity for another as the relative prices change. This result to changes in weights and therefore the price index that fails to note that change overstates the real and true variation in the cost of living. The economic value of life as non-economists think is not to be measured using the accounting measures such as the present value of lost earning. The value of life on the basis of preventing accidental deaths cannot be speculated using accounting measures. The economic value of life of an individual drawn from statistical analysis is higher than the actual present value of the earnings of the same individual when exposed to risk. Willingness-to-pay measures based on surveys may overstate the true willingness- to pay of the respondents because the surveys are based on samples from population which have a margin of error. Besides this respondents in surveys do not often respond to questions out of stability or preferences and are mainly inventing answers (Piros, 2013). As a result, the analysis shows bias on the true willingness-to-pay. Most smokers prefer to smoke presently while deferring the disadvantages in the future despite the cost increments in the cigarettes. This is because of the time value of money which entails the concept that money has value in the present than in the future. The cost benefit analysis of policies to reduce the smoking rate shows that consumers benefit less from smoking than the gains they receive. In this case, most smokers have future health problems resulting from smoking.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Priority Pollutants and Their Health Effects

Priority Pollutants and Their Health Effects INTRODUCTION The Priority Pollutants are a set of chemical pollutants EPA regulates, and for which EPA has published analytical test methods. the Priority Pollutant list published at 40 CFR 423, Appendix A,An estimated 25% of death and disease globally, is linked to environmental hazards. The WHO, EPA have listed the persistent pollutants, which are included in this article along with the major and few minor health hazards of the vivid categories of pollutants. [1,2] The UK environmental protection act (EPA) 1990, ‘pollution of the environment’ means pollution of the environment due to the release (into any environmental medium) from any process of substance which are capable of causing harm to man or any other living organism supported by the environment. The escape of any substance capable of causing harm to man or any other living organism supported by the environment. [3] The priority pollutants can be classified on the basis of:- chemical and physical nature source of the pollutant environmental pathway used target organism affected gross effect on the Earth [3] The Environmental Pollution Agency have short listed the priority pollutants. [4] In addition to this comprehensive list Asbestos, Barium, HCB, Cadmium, Tin and Petroleum Hydrocarbons are also included under the broad title of ‘PRIORITY POLLUTANTS’. [5] Priority pollutants can be divided into 3 categories:- Metals Pesticides Volatile and non volatile organics [4] DETECTION OF PRIORITY POLLUTANT (METALS) Atomic Absorption spectroscopy, a very sensitive method used to analyse the priority pollutants by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Due to a few limitations in this methods the ability of dibenzyldithiocarbamate (DBDC) to form complexes with the priority is used, this is then followed by liquid chromatography, on a C18 column and using 64% methanol, 12%acetonitrile,5%tetrahydrofuran and19% Ph 5 acatate buffer as the mobile phase, which is quantified using ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry. (10 out of the 13 priority pollutants are detected using this method.) [6] Health hazards of heavy metals The major and general health hazard due to metals is their direct influence as a carcinogen.[7,8] Health hazards due to Arsenic The primary concerns are carcinogenicity and mutagenicity. Chronic exposure can result in poisoning of the nervous system, liver damage, and peripheral vascular disease, leading to gangrene of the lower limbs. This condition is commonly known as `black foot disease’. Chronic exposure to As is also associated with leukaemia, kidney and bladder cancers, dermatitis, hyper pigmentation, and arsenical keratosis. Arsenic acts as a non-genotoxic carcinogen. However, it affects DNA methylation and repair. Vomiting, diarrhea Peripheral nervous system problems Decreased intelligence Beathing problems [7,8,9] Cadmium The organs affected the most are:- Kidney : impaired renal functions, Increased excretion of low-molecular weight proteins in the urine. Increased risk of Lung cancer. Bone disorders: Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis and spontaneous bone fracture. Irritation Of The Lungs And Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer Of The Prostrate [8,9] LEAD Impaired Neurological Development (memory and learning difficulties, behavioural problems, reduced IQ) High blood pressure Kidney Failure Miscarriage Decreased sperm count Supression Of Haematological System [9] MERCURY Gastro-Intestinal Disorders (digestive problems) Respiratory Tract Irritation Renal Failure Neurotoxicity Blindness and deafness Lack of co-ordination Mental retardation[9] Pesticides Pesticides enter the food chain through water. This includes the derivatives of chlorinated hydrocarbons, herbicides and insecticides used on the soil. The mentioned categories of pesticides are very resistant and persistent in the environment, and have become ubiquitous over the years. The regularly used pesticides are mentioned.[5,13] DDT(Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane) AldrinandDieldrin, ChlordaneHCBor hexachlorobenzene Heptachlor Lindane Methoxychlor [4] HEALTH HAZARDS DUE TO PERSISTANT PESTIDICES AND INSECTICIDES Pesticides are designed to kill and because their mode of action is not specific to one species, they often kill or harm organisms other than pests, including humans. The health effects of pesticides depend on the type of pesticide. Following are the health hazards caused due to Organophosphates, DDT, Lindane, Carbamate and Pyrethroids. [5] The major health hazards of pesticides are:- Neurological Health Effects Carcinogenic Hormone Disruption Impaired Reproductive Developments Decreased Sperm Count And Motility [10] NEUROLOGICAL HEALTH EFFECTS Memory Loss Loss Of Coordination Reduced Speed Of Response To Stimuli Reduced Visual Ability Altered Or Uncontrollable Mood Reduced Motor Skills. Convulsions And Seizures [10,11] OTHER POSSIBLE HEALTH EFFECTS Asthma Allergies ( skin allergies that are toxic) Hypersensitivity to light, sound and touch Nausea Fatigue [10,11] Acuteorganophosphateandcarbamateexposure causes signs and symptoms of excess acetylcholine, such as increased salivation and perspiration, narrowing of the pupils, nausea, diarrhea, decrease in blood pressure, muscle weakness, and fatigue. Some organophosphates also have a delayed neurological reaction characterized by muscle weakness in the legs and arms. [11] SEMI VOLATILE AND VOLATILE ORGANICS This group of Pollutants is wide ranging and consists of :- Chlorinated Alkanes (Carbon Tetrachloride) Chlorinated Ethenes (Polyvinyl Chloride Or Pvc) Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Naphtalene, Coal Tar), Pesticides, Herbicides And Fumigants (Ddt, Endrin, Aldrin, Lindane, Methoxychlor, Toxaphene And Silvex), Mono-Dichlorobenzenes (Solvents), Benzenes (Benzene, Toluene) Phenols And Chlorophenols And Trihalomethanes (Chloroform, Bromoform). [5] HEALTH EFFECTS DUE TO ORGANICS Vinyl chloride is associated with cancer. PAH, induces cancer lung being the main target, [10] Phenols and chlorophenols lead to alterations in hepatic enzyme activities, gross increased liver weight and histopathological (hypertrophy, vacuolization, hyperplasia, fibrosis, necrosis and degeneration) effects is found following acute, intermediate and chronic oral exposure to PCP, Hepatocyte degeneration and centrilobular hypertrophy, Significant alterations in thyroid hormone levels have been observed, decrease fertility, and growth, signs of chloracne and minor disturbance of lipid metabolism., neurodevelopmental effects in infants. [3,whatever is the rest of the part] [10] Trihalomethanes can lead to colon cancer. [14] CONCLUSION Knowing about pollutants and their health hazards is not the end of it. Research has to be done on ways to curb this disaster and irreversible damage that has lured on our environment. Effort has to be made to find ways to tackle this pollution and PRIORITIZE Our Mother Nature and Human Health rather than POLLUTANTS! REFERENCES. The health and environment linkages initiative, world health organization, UNEP,, accessed on 02-05-2015. EPA,, accessed on 3-05-2015. Gareth Evans and Judith Furlong (2003), Environmental Biotechnology Theory And Applications, John Wiley And Sons Ltd. USEPA Priority Pollutants,, accessed on 3-05-2015. Fishery harbor manual on the prevention of pollution,, accessed on 3-05-2015. James H. Shofsthal and James K. Hardy, Method For The Determination Of The Priority Pollutant Metals By HPLC, Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol 28, Issue 5, Pg 225-229. WHO, Europe, Health Risks Of Heavy Metals From Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution, World Health Organization, 2007,, accessed on 13-05-2015. Heavy metals; Mercury, Arsenic, Lead, A Century’s Old story Lars JÃ ¤rup, Hazards of heavy metal contamination, J Epidemiol Community Health2002;56:824-825 UNEP (Urban Environmental Unit United Nations Environmental Programme), Environmental pollution and impacts on public health. Health Risks Of Persistent Organic Pollutants From Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, WHO Europe, Peter Orris, Lin Kraatz, Karen Perry and Joe Asbury, Persistent Organic Pollutants and Human Health,May 2000, published by World Federation Of Public Health Associations. Effect of pesticide on human health,15/05/2015 Pereira and Michael A., Health Risk of the Trihalomethanes Found in Drinking Water Carcinogenic Activity and Interactions, Medical College of Ohio,2000.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What makes a good teacher? :: essays research papers

There are many things which make a teacher great and they all can`t be defined.However i`ve always considered several of them essential.In my opinion a good teacher is someonewho first of all creates interest in studying,doesn`t underestimate the children,has equal expectations of siccess from everyone and last but not least likes his job. A good teavher always has a sense of purpose.He chooses very carefully the teaching programme and adjusts it to the needs of his students.Children always come first and that`s why the decision he makes are based on how they will affect them.He shares experience with other teachers and thus is always learning new things. It is very important for a teacher to be a good communicator.He doesn`t just stand in front of the class and lecture but tries to establish a dialogue and tofind the best group activities in which every child to be involved.Discussion,peer-to-peer coaching are the things which make the process of teaching more interesting and challenging so that all students attend classes and participate actively. The good teacher works with all students.A friend of mine told me how her maths teacher tolerates only students who are good at mathematics or those who have special interest in the subject.Towards the rest of the class my friend says she`s very exacting.She gives homeworks and tests without bothering to ask about difficulties.She doesn`t try to explain it and as a result many students keep getting bad marks. I firmly believe teachers shouldn`t forget that all students no matter of their colour,race or gender have equal ability to study.Different students have different learning systems.Some can learn things easily while others need to spend more time over a given task.