Thursday, September 3, 2020

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Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Treatment of the Heterogeneous Army by Kenneth Branagh and Lawrence Olivier in Shakespeares Henry V.

The Treatment of the Heterogeneous Army by Kenneth Branagh and Lawrence Olivier in Shakespeares Henry V. In Act III, scene ii of Shakespeare's Henry V, we see firsthand how King Henry's military is heterogeneous, comprised of men with four unique accents from four distinct districts, English, Scottish, Irish and Welch. This scene is the main time in the play when these four men from four areas all cooperate togetherBoth Lawrence Olivier and Kenneth Branagh present this scene distinctively in their film renditions of Shakespeare's play. In my paper I set out to demonstrate my theory that Olivier's film embarks to show how the solidarity of these different people groups whose distinctions are made express, lies in their loyalty to King Henry and that the attachment of these divergent locales is something that Henry has figured out how to accomplish, and this is normal for Henry as lord. Interestingly, Branagh's film is set up so the watcher makes some hard memories recognizing every one of these men from each other.English: Kenneth Branagh at the 2009 Roma Fiction ...In his film, the crow d is intended to imagine that these men are not all that unique in relation to one another in any case. In Branagh's film, it is simply the demonstration of war, not Henry as a splendid ruler, which ties these men together.This scene happens during the skirmish of Harfleur, and the four Captains are meeting to talk about the passages which are being burrowed to subvert the fortification at Harfleur. Irish Captain MacMorris is responsible for burrowing the channels. Welch Captain Fluellen offers Irish Captain MacMorris counsel about how to burrow legitimate channels, yet MacMorris furiously discloses to him that his men had to desert the venture. The differentiating cuts I have picked are taken from close to the finish of the scene when the Welch Captain Fluellen offers an apparently offending remark to Irish Captain MacMorris about his nation...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Character Essay :: essays research papers

Character Essay Portrayal, a technique that a creator decides to build up his/her character, is a significant component in a story. In â€Å"Lamb to the Slaughter,† Roald Dahl, viably builds up the hero both straightforwardly and by implication; in any case, the utilization of aberrant portrayal is increasingly predominant in light of the fact that it uncovers her activities and how she manages her contention, her words, and making a unique character with her words, and her character.      First, she appears to be an ordinary house-spouse yearning for her better half to return, however something is odd about this specific day; â€Å"There was a moderate grinning air about her, and about all that she did†¦was inquisitively tranquil†¦the eyes, with their new serene look, appeared to be bigger, and darker than before† (108). It was as though she is anticipating that something irregular should occur, and that she is planning for that particular second. Furthermore, her activities change from being a spouse satisfying husband, to a reluctant lady that knew out of nowhere, precisely what to do, as though she had been set up for a considerable length of time. Likewise, in the start of the story she is portrayed as an innocuous, innocuous individual, however following her significant other uncovers his weight, she gets precarious and normally she hits her better half. She â€Å"†¦simply strolled up behind him and immediately she swung the huge solidified leg of lamb†¦and brought it down as hard as she could†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (111). What's more, as unusual as it looks, she goes fairly through a transforms, from being a substance house-spouse, to an insane person, had lady, to the point of murdering her significant other.      Second, she uncovers through her words, her deception and misdirection by killing all the proof left. At the point when the police showed up she attempting to shroud proof, requests her husband’s bourbon, â€Å"‘Jack†¦would you mind giving me a drink?’†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢You mean this whiskey?’†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Yes, please’†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Why don’t you gobble up that sheep that is in the oven?’†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (115,116), and the peruser understands that she attempts to persuade others with her tricky falsehoods, and with a solid arrangement of sound words, she escapes effectively; â€Å"She attempted a grin. It came out so peculiar†¦The voice sounded so curious too†¦She practiced it a few times more†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (112). Mrs. Maloney, had pondered it even before the episode occurred, for she attempts to look as typical as could be expected under the circumstances, by acting it out her day by day schedule.      Finally, her character makes in her a powerful portrayal, and as the peruser watches it when she is conversing with the businessperson, by saying something exceptionally odd: â€Å"’I got a pleasant leg of sheep from the freezer†¦I don’t much like cooking it frozen†¦but I’m taking a risk on it this time.

Monday, June 8, 2020

United States Declaration of Independence - Free Essay Example

The Declaration of Independence was an important document written by the second Continental Congress. It inspired a revolution against England, the Mother country. It also made a new unified nation now called the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence was a statement saying to Great Britain that they were no longer under their rule and that they were independent colonies. The colonies felt they were treated unfairly by the Intolerable Acts and wanted freedom from England. Three other acts by Parliament that provoked heated protest from the colonists were the Stamp Act, the Townshend Act, and the Tea Act. The Declaration said that America has the right to overthrow any government that they feel is treating them unfairly, and stated the reasons why they thought the British government treated them unfairly. The three most influential people in writing the Declaration of Independence were Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams. Benjamin Franklin was the oldest author of the Declaration and was one of the most influential and respected of the group. Thomas Jefferson was the person who actually wrote the Declaration and was the most gifted writer in the group. John Adams was considered the boldest and most fearless in debate and made many enemies with the loyal British and some fence sitters, the people undecided. Benjamin Franklin also inserted his now famous phrase self-evident into the Declaration while crossing out sacred and undeniable. The Continental Congress also edited about one fourth of Jeffersons writing, altering more than eighty changes speaking against the king. They also took the paragraph about abolishing slavery out of his declaration. Overall, Thomas Jefferson was unhappy about all of the mutilations to his writing. It took Thomas Jefferson seventeen days to write the Declaration of Independence. He also worked late in the night.There was no stoppage of the writing besides Jeffersons long walks, slee p, and eating. While he was writing or working on the Declaration, he always stood up. He also used a portable desk and a goose ink quill to write. While writing the Declaration of Independence Thomas took long walks. When he was on these walks he also thought of what to change on the paper. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams sometimes went with Thomas on these walks, but could never keep up because he walked so fast. Thomas also went to John Adams and Benjamin for help with peer editing. John Adams was important to make the Declaration of Independence a real thing because he gave a very long and inspirational speech that aroused the second Continental Congress to vote for independence. The Congress was so moved by this speech that they then asked John Adams to repeat his speech. He accepted the request and the revised one was so powerful with thought and expression, that it moved the Congress from their seats. The Declaration of Independence was an important document writ ten by the Second Continental Congress. It was important to the founding of our country because it inspired revolution against England, making the colonies of England now the United Colonies of America. Making a revolution against England was important because if we didnt, we would still be under Englands control and subjugation.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Police Corruption And The New Orleans Police Department

Police Corruption in NOLA Growing up our parent always told us that police officers were the good guys, and the people that committed crimes were the bad guys. There was a time in our lives that we believed that this was true, police are good, and criminals are bad, simple as that. Police officers played a prominent role in our lives growing up, some were looked at as role models, guidance counselors, but most of all they were our friends. However, at what point did that connection dissipate between police officers and the community? This disconnection was most prominently exemplified in the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD), where officer corruption, murder, and lawlessness was ramped within the department. Corruption had become a culture, a way of life for some officers in New Orleans, where supervisors dismissed allegations. Could the use of Rotten Apple mechanism help reduce the corruption in the NOPD? Comparatively, could the application of the Rotten Barrel models provide pr otection from police misconduct during an investigation? Culture of Corruption New Orleans has been a city where millions of tourist go and experience a variety of cultures. Many tourist find that the city’s gentle, slow, and easy-going way of life is intoxicating and continue to return year after year. Thus New Orleans has been dubbed with the iconic nickname â€Å"The Big Easy†. However, behind the veil, New Orleans police officers have been committing countless felonies and has been described asShow MoreRelatedCorruption Of The New Orleans Police Department904 Words   |  4 Pagescorruption in the New Orleans Police Department Although police officers take an oath to protect and serve citizens in our society. we have some officers that our corrupt and willing do anything just to protect themselves from being exposed from their unethical behavior. In 1994 three officers from New Orleans police department committed an unspeakable crime murder for hire and a violent drug gang. The killing of Kim grove was thirty-two years old and was gunned down by police officer that wereRead MoreHurricane Katrina And The New Orleans Police Department1412 Words   |  6 Pagesthe local police, the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD), did not do its job. A great number of people disagree with how the NOPD participated in the relief efforts and are criticized for not being ready to handle a disaster of this magnitude. The city that was affected the most by Hurricane Katrina was New Orleans, Louisiana. Governor Blanco called for state emergency in Louisiana on August 26, 2005. Then on August 29th, Mayor Nagin issued a mandatory evacuation of the City of New Orleans. The peopleRead MoreNew Orleans Police Department – Recent Challenges. Problem1173 Words   |  5 Pages New Orleans Police Department – Recent Challenges Problem Statement Even before the disaster brought on by Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans Police Department had serious organizational and reporting issues. According to the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division (2011), several patterns were clearly discoverable in the organization, including the excessive use of force, under-reporting of internal issues, discriminatory policing, and the number of misconduct complaints wereRead MoreOrganizational Theory671 Words   |  3 PagesSouthern University at New Orleans Abstract I will discuss the basis of an organizational theory as it applies to the criminal justice system. I am discussing and giving a clear understanding of the criminal justice system as an organization of a bureaucratic management system with hierarchies and processes of inputs, processes, and outputs within one aspect of the criminal justice system i.e. police, within one city. I will also discuss how New Orleans Police Department was created throughoutRead MorePolice Misconduct On The Street Still Continue Throughout The Community865 Words   |  4 Pagesmany of reasons why it is difficult for the police to have interaction with the citizens of the community. One reason the community do not trust the police is because of racial profiling. Racial profiling has been going on for years and now the community is getting tired of it. An example of racial profiling is a group of black teenagers being pulled over because of the kind of car they are driving. Along with this act and many of ot her police corruption acts has caused the community to question themselvesRead MorePolice Corruption: Time to Get Rid of Crooked Cops Essay1653 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Police throughout the United States have been caught fabricating, planting, and manipulating evidence to obtain convictions where cases would otherwise be very weak. Some authorities regard police perjury as so rampant that it can be considered a subcultural norm rather than an individual aberration of police officers. Large-scale investigations of police units in almost every major American city have documented massive evidence of tampering, abuse of the arresting power, and discriminatory enforcementRead MoreThe Three Views of Conflict: How Criminal Justice Agencies Function in the Midst of Conflict1115 Words   |  5 Pagesshould be avoided. When there is poor communication in a group or a lack of openness, the end result is conflict among the members of the group. For example, a new officer is transferred from a patrol into the tactical unit, as the patrol finger print technician. Another officer that’s in the same squad takes an immediate dislike to the new officer. She sabotages the officer’s work and constantly startS arguments with her and other officers in the unit. This conflict is counterproductive, becauseRead MoreCrime And Its Effects On The Economy1244 Words   |  5 Pagesincreasingly hard to break the cycle of crime throughout the following generations. The media has also contributed to the glorification of crime and violent behavior. While some blame high crime rates on the economy, others blame it on ineffective and lazy police officers and lack of government support in low income communities. Jails and prisons are starting to become full at an alarming rate and cities are turning into war zones instead of safe places where people can raise a family and get a decent educationRead More Police and Gratuities: The Sli ppery Slope Essay1131 Words   |  5 Pagesfor a police officer? What is acceptable and what is not acceptable? If a police officer takes a free cup of coffee or a half priced meal does that make him vulnerable to take more. Does that act make the officer a bad officer or a corrupt officer? Does the person giving the gratuity expect something in return or is it just a gesture for the work the officer is doing? Almost every police department has a policy on the acceptance of gifts and gratuities for the officers and the department. SomeRead MoreEssay on Police Brutality and Corruption681 Words   |  3 PagesPolice Brutality and Corruption Corruption in policing is viewed as the misuse of authority by a police officer acting officially to fulfill his/her personal needs or wants. There are two distinct elements of corruption; 1) misuse of authority, 2) personal attainment. The occupational subculture of policing is a major factor in both creating police corruption, by initiating officers into corrupt activities, and sustaining it, by covering up corrupt activities by other officers. Police corruption

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Authoritative Parenting Essay - 2446 Words

Introduction Parenting a child from infant to the adult stage is a full-time responsibility that every parent takes on. The type of style used to socialize their children to conform adequately to the expected standards of conduct to function successfully in their society is the option that is decided by each parent. Since there are different ways of parenting a child, it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the child’s behavior is sufficient to live in society let alone act compliant in it as well. It is interesting to observe the different methods that a variety of parents demonstrate in order to make sure that the children of that society will be considered ‘acceptable’ by the environment itself and of course by the parenting†¦show more content†¦Literature Review All parenting styles associate with the area of a child’s social skills, educational capability, psychosocial growth, and also the negative actions of a child. Parenting is extremely important in a child’s life in order to have a happy and successful life without dealing with unnecessary negative issues that can arise. This portion of the proposal describes literature relevant to the proposed study of this topic. It is organized into four sections: (1) the two aspects on how the parenting styles were based, (2) the four main types of parenting styles, (3) the effects that can result from the parenting styles, and (4) evaluation for results of previous research. The detail of effects on a child’s behavior will be further discussed in the methods section of the proposed study. Two Aspects of Parenting Styles The styles that Dr. Baumrind recognized were based on two aspects of parenting; parental responsiveness and parental expectation (demandingness). The aspects are determined by the parent’s characteristics on the actions towards the children. Too much or too little of either aspect of parenting can conflict with the child’s learning and behavior. A single selection of the four parenting styles is approached after determining the degree of each of the two aspects. Although there is not a perfect match for any parent, most will tend to push towards aShow MoreRelatedAuthoritative Parenting : The Importance Of Authoritative Parenting1018 Words   |  5 PagesParenting can be challenging for most parents, and we don’t always get it right. Parenting takes time, unconditional love and understanding. Balswick and Balswick, (2014) suggests that â€Å"authoritative parenting† is more efficient. The development of a child is a very important and impacts their life overall into becoming a mature reciprocating self. I believe that good parenting starts with prayer, commitment and loving your children unconditionally. Authoritative parents do not let their childrenRead MoreThe Advantages Of Authoritative Parenting1804 Words   |  8 PagesThe Advantages of Authoritative Parenting As a parent, there is an abundance of techniques and worries to consider when raising children. What school should they attend? What neighborhood should they grow up in? What food should they eat? What should they be involved in? The list goes on and on, yet one of the most underlooked topics of parenting to consider is decision making. Decisions are a constant part of life, and as a parent, you not only make them for yourself, but also for your childrenRead MoreThe Benefits of Authoritative Parenting Style621 Words   |  3 PagesA child will either grow up in authoritative or authoritarian parenting. What are they? Authoritative is the style where the parents combine warmth and affection with firm limits on a child. Authoritarian is the style of parenting in which the parent is rigid and overly strict, showing little warmth to the child. A child who grows up in authoritative household will have parents who understand them and are willing to listen to them when they have problems. The parents will show that they love theirRead MoreAuthoritative Parenting Setting The Limit3610 Words   |  15 PagesProfessor Wittlake 8 March 2015 Authoritative Parenting Setting the Limit While walking down the grocery aisle looking for a can of tomato soup, you hear a loud cry. It interrupted the peace and look to see where it came from. You suddenly see that it came from a young boy. He’s tugging on his mother’s shirt and crying out loud. The mother to calm him down, puts the item in the shopping cart, so the boy would stop crying. Was that a clever move done by the mother? Parenting is not easy. You can eitherRead MoreAuthoritative And Authoritarian Parenting Styles Essay964 Words   |  4 Pages2016 Authoritative and Authoritarian Parenting Starting at birth, children begin to develop social and emotional skills. A strong foundation of social and emotional skills will help them make better choices in adulthood. It is important for parents, no matter their age, to ensure their children are adequately prepared to face challenges later in life by maintaining a loving home environment that nurtures their ability to learn about themselves and the world around them. Negative parenting stylesRead MoreThe Authoritative Parenting Style By Diane Baumrind891 Words   |  4 PagesWhen it comes to parenting everyone has their own way of doing things. Usually parenting is a cycle. People raise their children with some of the same techniques that their parents did. Think about how the children of the different parenting styles grew emotionally, mentally and even academically. The authoritative parenting style was first introduced by Diane Baumrind. She created a new system for classifying a person style of parenting. Parenting styles have two important components whichRead MoreAuthoritarian vs. Authoritative Parenting Essay920 Words   |  4 PagesAuthoritarian vs. Authoritative parenting Children do not come with guidelines or instructions. What they do come with is a crucial set of physical and emotional needs that need to be met. To raise children properly, parents duties are not limited to just food, shelter and protection. Parents are largely responsible for their children’s success in life. Parents are required to teach and educate children. They have to shape knowledge and character into their children to prepare them to face theRead MoreThe Parenting Styles Authoritative, Authoritarian, And Permissive Essay1297 Words   |  6 Pagesparent your children? What is your parenting style? Experts have identified four major parenting types: Permissive, Authoritarian, Uninvolved, and Authoritative. Diana Baumrind (1966) was the one to identify three of the parenting styles Authoritative, Authoritarian, and Permissive. Martin and Maccoby (1983) expanded on Baumrind’s parenting styles and added the Uninvolved style. Which style of parenting do you think you fall into? Frist, Authoritative Parenting is considered the most successfulRead MoreParenting Styles : Authoritarian, Permissive, Uninvolved, And Authoritative982 Words   |  4 Pagesraised. Good parenting is essential for a child’s educational and behavioral success and is a stressed trait throughout the world; however, in different cultures, good parenting can be defined and measured in many contrasting ways. In the United States, parenting and discipline methods have become controversial in the past fifty years, and the methods for raising children have drastically changed in some households. According to psychologist Diana Baumrind, there are four different parenting styles:Read MoreParenting Styles: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved879 Words   |  4 Pagesworldwide parenting skills are essential to maintain a healthy society. Parenting involves many aspects and requires many skills. It is a time to nurture, instruct, and correct in order to develop fundamental skills children will need to be mature, responsible, and contributing adults to a society. There are four commonly identified parenting styles; authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. Of the four parenting styles, two remain on opposite ends of the parenting spectrum

Made Up Fairy Tale Essay Example For Students

Made Up Fairy Tale Essay ARGH! Im going to get you, you little brat! screamed Taylor, a 14 year old native of Calgary, Alberta. Taylor whizzed around the corner to beat up her little brother Jay. Ha! I got you Boomer! exclaimed Taylor. Im gonna tell mom and your gonna be in trouble ! he he. replied Jay. As soon as Jay made that remark Taylor let him free. Jay knew that saying that hell tell on her would convince her to let him go anytime, so he ran around her and pulled her long auburn hair. Taylors soft green eyes all of a sudden turned hard, dry, furious green as she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him out in the stormy cold air outside and locked the door. Let me in, Im not a dog! yelled Jay. Oh yes you are. replied Taylor, and she grabbed a book and spoke gibberish to the ceiling. All of a sudden Jay started feeling funny in his tubby stomach. When Taylor was done gibber jabbering, she opened the door and said, Come here boy. When Jay saw her, it looked like she had grown about three feet because all he could see was her knees. He walked in and sat down, looked at the black screen and saw a reflection of a beautiful golden retriever. You got a new dog Taylor!? asked Jay. You werent mad at me, Taylor. You just threw me outside because you didnt want me to see the new dog yet! exclaimed Jay. That is what you think said Taylor. Jay stared at her in confusion while Taylor got a mirror. She showed him what he was. He was a dog. He screamed, but actually he barked while running in circles chasing his tale without even knowing it. Taylor hooked up his leash on his collar and called the Humane Society. They were there in less than ten minutes to pick up Jay. TThey picked him up but he noticed this wasnt an ordinary dog catcher. This dog catcher was his mom. She picked him up and threw him in a cage, and they drove for hours until they finally stopped at a laboratory. She put him in a small cage with 5 other dogs. One dog started talking to him and said, Jay? Is that you, Jay? Jay said yes. Im Juan, your best friend, he said. Juan told Jay that Taylor wasnt his real sister but that she was a remake of the Wicked Witch of the West of the movie Wizard of Oz. So Jay and Juan broke out of the cage and started home. While walking they ran into a man with three legs, two tongues, and a really big nose. The man gave them a biscuit for each of them and told them his name was Rufus. Rufus said he met them because he used to be a dog and now a human. Rufus said hed trade positions with them, but that they would have one major side effect. That side effect would have Jays body with Jays head, but it also would have Juans head. So w ith the potion Rufus had, they traded spots. Rufus was now a dog and the boys were a freak. Juan and Jay took a bus to Calgary. When they got there, the city had totally changed. Instead of it being really cold, it was like Arizona. Calgary was now a desert of destruction. Every person was a dog or a cat, but about a mile away they saw a Castle, and so they knew They hopped on a goat, and they were on their way. Jay and Juan were at the open gate and went in. They saw Queen Taylor West and ran up to her, grabbed her spell book, and spoke. They were back to normal. Jay and Juan cornered Taylor and spoke in the terms that were in the spell book, and Taylor turned into a gummy worm. Jay picked it up and said. This is for you, sis, and he ate her. At that same moment everything went back to normal, and he had his real parents that he had never met before because they were dogs also. They all lived happily ever after in their home. Bibliography: