Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Authoritative Parenting Essay - 2446 Words

Introduction Parenting a child from infant to the adult stage is a full-time responsibility that every parent takes on. The type of style used to socialize their children to conform adequately to the expected standards of conduct to function successfully in their society is the option that is decided by each parent. Since there are different ways of parenting a child, it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the child’s behavior is sufficient to live in society let alone act compliant in it as well. It is interesting to observe the different methods that a variety of parents demonstrate in order to make sure that the children of that society will be considered ‘acceptable’ by the environment itself and of course by the parenting†¦show more content†¦Literature Review All parenting styles associate with the area of a child’s social skills, educational capability, psychosocial growth, and also the negative actions of a child. Parenting is extremely important in a child’s life in order to have a happy and successful life without dealing with unnecessary negative issues that can arise. This portion of the proposal describes literature relevant to the proposed study of this topic. It is organized into four sections: (1) the two aspects on how the parenting styles were based, (2) the four main types of parenting styles, (3) the effects that can result from the parenting styles, and (4) evaluation for results of previous research. The detail of effects on a child’s behavior will be further discussed in the methods section of the proposed study. Two Aspects of Parenting Styles The styles that Dr. Baumrind recognized were based on two aspects of parenting; parental responsiveness and parental expectation (demandingness). The aspects are determined by the parent’s characteristics on the actions towards the children. Too much or too little of either aspect of parenting can conflict with the child’s learning and behavior. A single selection of the four parenting styles is approached after determining the degree of each of the two aspects. Although there is not a perfect match for any parent, most will tend to push towards aShow MoreRelatedAuthoritative Parenting : The Importance Of Authoritative Parenting1018 Words   |  5 PagesParenting can be challenging for most parents, and we don’t always get it right. Parenting takes time, unconditional love and understanding. Balswick and Balswick, (2014) suggests that â€Å"authoritative parenting† is more efficient. The development of a child is a very important and impacts their life overall into becoming a mature reciprocating self. I believe that good parenting starts with prayer, commitment and loving your children unconditionally. Authoritative parents do not let their childrenRead MoreThe Advantages Of Authoritative Parenting1804 Words   |  8 PagesThe Advantages of Authoritative Parenting As a parent, there is an abundance of techniques and worries to consider when raising children. What school should they attend? What neighborhood should they grow up in? What food should they eat? What should they be involved in? The list goes on and on, yet one of the most underlooked topics of parenting to consider is decision making. Decisions are a constant part of life, and as a parent, you not only make them for yourself, but also for your childrenRead MoreThe Benefits of Authoritative Parenting Style621 Words   |  3 PagesA child will either grow up in authoritative or authoritarian parenting. What are they? Authoritative is the style where the parents combine warmth and affection with firm limits on a child. 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Experts have identified four major parenting types: Permissive, Authoritarian, Uninvolved, and Authoritative. Diana Baumrind (1966) was the one to identify three of the parenting styles Authoritative, Authoritarian, and Permissive. Martin and Maccoby (1983) expanded on Baumrind’s parenting styles and added the Uninvolved style. Which style of parenting do you think you fall into? Frist, Authoritative Parenting is considered the most successfulRead MoreParenting Styles : Authoritarian, Permissive, Uninvolved, And Authoritative982 Words   |  4 Pagesraised. Good parenting is essential for a child’s educational and behavioral success and is a stressed trait throughout the world; however, in different cultures, good parenting can be defined and measured in many contrasting ways. In the United States, parenting and discipline methods have become controversial in the past fifty years, and the methods for raising children have drastically changed in some households. According to psychologist Diana Baumrind, there are four different parenting styles:Read MoreParenting Styles: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved879 Words   |  4 Pagesworldwide parenting skills are essential to maintain a healthy society. Parenting involves many aspects and requires many skills. It is a time to nurture, instruct, and correct in order to develop fundamental skills children will need to be mature, responsible, and contributing adults to a society. There are four commonly identified parenting styles; authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. Of the four parenting styles, two remain on opposite ends of the parenting spectrum

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